Daily School Schedule
7:30 – School Opens. Children are given free time for quiet activities including coloring, playing with blocks, etc.
8:30 – Reading Workshop. Could include reading aloud, mini-lessons, independent reading, small group reading, etc.
9:30 – Circle Time. Children are broken up into their appropriate classes. They will participate in calendar time, review skills based on age level such as ABC’s, reviewing sight words, weather, etc.
10:00 – Snack. This snack is provided by each child’s parent.
10:30 – Focus on Academics. Academics are individualized and could include writing, math, pre-reading skills, etc.
11:30 – Arts and Crafts.
12:00 – Lunch. Lunch is provided by each child’s parent.
12:30 – Outside play (weather permitting).
1:00 – Nap
2:00 – Afternoon Snack. This snack is provided by each child’s parent.
2:30 – Manipulatives. These will enhance each child’s learning skills.
4:00 – Structured Play
5:00 – Creative Time. Could include painting, reading, building with blocks, play dough, outdoor play (weather permitting), etc.
6:00 – School Closes
Science, Math and Music are integrated into all subjects daily, as appropriate, therefore, are not included on the schedule as separate blocks.
Schedule is subject to change based on special activities, visitors, holiday parties, etc.